Monday, May 31, 2010

Rock Climbing is "FUN"

I started rocking climbing at my local YMCA. They have a rock climbing wall and I signed up for their private lessons. I figure to give it a go to see if it's something I would like. But I did more than like this sport....I fell in LOVE with it! I found this fun at a late age (50 yrs), but who cares? Sure, I don't have the energy I used to have when I was half my age, but hey, I still like to have a good time! I've always been adventurous and rock climbing will challenge me. But mostly, I need a good adventure. I need to get off my butt and lose some weight. I need to start climbing some cliffs! I need to go out on every adventure on my bucket list so that I can start checking 'em off! I need to get back to living my life the way it was meant to be lived! With my body moving!! WOOT!